With roses, orchids, lilies, tulips, gerbera daisies, chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals, crystal vases, plain vases..it's no wonder that you guys get overwhelmed. Well, worry not. We here at Capitol Hill Flowers are here to help.
Step one, find out your sweeties' favorite flowers. You can never go wrong if you build a bouquet with her favorite flowers. Step two, find out her favorite color. If the flowers she loves aren't available, chances are, we've got her favorite color covered. Step three, does she like sweets? What woman doesn't! We've got some amazing gourmet chocolates. So if she loves her sweets (besides you), then attach some to your order. Step four, cuddly bears? We've got those too! Step five, are you having this delivered to her at work? then attach some balloons! This will ensure that everybody in her office knows that someone (you) love her and wanted to make this Valentine's Day special. Plus, she'll be easy to spot in a crowd with some balloons attached to a gorgeous bouquet, chocolates that she's savoring and a teddy bear that is a great reminder of this holiday after the flowers and chocolates are long gone.
So, give us a call: 206-325-5068 or look online: www.flower4gift.com . If you want to hand pick your flowers to make this extra special, we can help you over the phone or you can come on in. I encourage you to order early! Valentine's Day is Tuesday, February 14th!!! Make this a memorable day for you and your sweetie.
Mother's day comming up,time to get your flowers! I have been shopping with Fmi farms for year now and just want to recommend them
I am a flower shop and they deliver to me next day and their customer experience havent been outdone by anyone else yet...Just wanted to share:)
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